Orange Line to be closed for another 30 days in celebration
This past weekend at their annual executive meeting, the Boston Architectural Society awarded the Williams Excellence in Design award to Ruggles Station, located on the Orange Line. The award is given to the station rated most beautiful in appearance and is the highest honor that can be attained by an MBTA subway stop.

The most notable detail of Ruggles Station is its abstract stair design which is rumored to be inspired by the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In its construction, architects implemented a seemingly impossible geometric concept called “angular digression” which modern mathematicians have yet to fully comprehend. As a result, every single step was placed at a different and distinct angle in respect to the ground as well as the street that the station parallels. The stairs of Ruggles are something that Orange Line commuters cannot help but fall in love with and their apparent plainness makes first-time riders unaware that they have stumbled across a city gem.
In addition, one would assume that a severe lack of water drainage may seem like an issue, but it is actually one of Ruggle’s most prominent features. If you are lucky enough to visit on a rainy day, you will find that rain water will pool near the Columbus Avenue exit to create a scenic, pond-like area which stretches from one side of the walkway to the other. Its vastness rivals the Reflecting Pool and it provides a feeling of absolute serenity which alleviates the feeling that you will be decapitated by a pigeon flying over your head.
At a recent press conference, Boston mayor Michelle Wu was asked to comment on the significance of Ruggles Station receiving the Williams Excellence in Design award. “Ruggles Station has finally received its long awaited recognition for the numerous bold design decisions incorporated in its construction,” she said. “Something this noteworthy deserves to be commemorated, and that is why the City of Boston will be holding a re-unveiling ceremony to recognize the accomplishment of the beloved T-stop. As a result, in coordination with the MBTA, I am announcing another 30-day shutdown of the Orange Line. I acknowledge and understand the frustration of the people of Boston but hope you all can join us in celebrating Ruggle’s incredible achievement.”